No conference due to foot & mouth outbreak
The conference planned for 23-25 March 2001, at Gregynog Hall, was postponed at the last minute due to the foot & mouth outbreak. The planned 2001 conference ran the following year (with a slight change of title, although again as the fourteenth conference). Original details for 2001 are provided here.
‘Wales 2001: The Re-Imagined Nation’
The fourteenth annual conference organised by the Association for the Study of Welsh Writing in English, at Gregynog, is to be devoted to a consideration of the ways in which Wales has, and currently does, imagine and culturally construct itself. To what extent is post-devolution
Wales in the process of creating new images of itself? Do we now look back with new eyes on the achievements of earlier Welsh writers? Is the relation between literature and its sister arts changing in Wales, with the rise to greater recognition of contributors from such fields as the
visual arts? These are some of the questions we will be discussing in Gregynog 2001.
Jane Aaron, University of Glamorgan
Tony Curtis, University of Glamorgan
‘Wales 2001: The Re-Imagined Nation’
The fourteenth annual conference organised by the Association for the Study of Welsh Writing in English, at Gregynog, is to be devoted to a consideration of the ways in which Wales has, and currently does, imagine and culturally construct itself. To what extent is post-devolution
Wales in the process of creating new images of itself? Do we now look back with new eyes on the achievements of earlier Welsh writers? Is the relation between literature and its sister arts changing in Wales, with the rise to greater recognition of contributors from such fields as the
visual arts? These are some of the questions we will be discussing in Gregynog 2001.
Jane Aaron, University of Glamorgan
Tony Curtis, University of Glamorgan
Download the 2001 conference programme and booking form here:
Download the 2001 conference postponement notice here: