Thank you for thinking about becoming an AWWE member
If you'd like to become a member, please choose one of the PayPal options below. (Please note that recurring payments on PayPal can be cancelled easily, should you need to do so in due course, as per the process detailed here.)
When you have set up your payment, please click on the 'Return to Merchant' link at the bottom of the PayPal payment confirmation page. You will then be taken to a page where you can enter your personal details so that we can create a full membership record for you.
Alternative payment methods
PayPal is our primary payment method, because it is secure and very simple for us to administer. However, if you can't use PayPal, please email the Membership Secretary for other options.
Reduced rates
Our reduced membership rates are aimed at students and anyone who is either unwaged or on a low income. (By 'low income' we mean annual earning-levels within the standard UK Personal Allowance - i.e. the tax-free income bracket - or anyone in receipt of Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit. But we are also very happy to consider individual circumstances on a case-by-case please do get in touch.)
Existing Members
For existing members who are transferring to one of our new membership packages: if you currently pay your membership by Standing Order and are signing up to one of the recurring membership packages, please don't forget to cancel your Standing Order with your bank when you have completed your new payment arrangements via PayPal!
Support we receive
AWWE membership packages are supported by the Department of English & Creative Writing at Aberystwyth University, to whom we are extremely grateful.
A. Annually recurring membership options
B. Single-year, non-recurring membership options
Your details
All personal and financial details collected as part of the membership process are stored and used in accordance with the AWWE Privacy Policy, which you can read here (opens in new window).
Who can I contact with queries about membership?
If you have any queries about membership, please email the Association's Membership Secretary.
The image at the top of this page (adapted from an original photograph © Aidan Byrne) shows copies of the two Library of Wales short story anthologies that were launched at the 2014 AWWE conference.