Friday 27th March, 2015
M. Wynn Thomas Prize 'Open' category winner, Dr Heather Williams (@HeatherHMW), speaks to Aidan Byrne about her essay ‘Iolo Morganwg, Edward Williams and the radically bilingual text: Poems Lyric and Pastoral (1794)’.
Saturday 28 March, 2015Jamie Harris (@coruthers) talks with Aidan Byrne about his work on recovering Iain Sinclair as a Welsh novelist, which won the M. Wynn Thomas Prize 'New Scholars' category, 2015.
Slideshow, Saturday afternoon and evening: |
Slideshow, Saturday morning:Interview with Ed Thomas (playwright, film-maker) and Dr Kate Woodward (Aberystwyth University; @cetyn) about Y Gwyll/Hinterland and Welsh television.
Sunday 29 March, 2015Christopher Meredith discusses his work with Prof. Diana Wallace (University of South Wales / Prifysgol De Cymru) and reads a poem.
All the above videos and images are © Aidan Byrne, 2015. The opinions expressed in interviews are those of the participants in question and are not necessarily those of AWWE.
Twitter feeds
Conference 2015 |
StorifyDr Bethan Jenkins (@dyddgu) has put the #awwe15 tweets onto Storify. View the story of the conference in the slideshow on the right (or via Storify, here).